Welcome from the Department Head

Welcome to the 生物与环境科学系 at Texas A&M University-Commerce. 该部门提供了一个充满活力的学习环境, exciting cutting-edge research opportunities and strong mentorship by world-class scientists. 我们的本科和研究生课程在细胞和分子生物学, conservation biology, ecology, 环境科学和生物教育都是为了培养和教育学生迎接现代科学的挑战. We invite you to explore our exceptional education and research opportunities.

Dr. Venu Cheriyath

Explore Our Programs

Biological Sciences (BA/BS)

The BA or BS degree provides a comprehensive overview of biological sciences, 从分子水平到生态系统. The programs are suited for you if you are interested in the biological sciences, 从事生物学研究或申请医学候选资格的人, dentistry, 物理治疗或其他相关健康科学领域.

Biological Sciences (MS)

If you are interested in furthering your studies in biological sciences, 本课程将使您能够与具有相似研究兴趣的教职员工密切合作. Faculty research interests within the department include behavioral ecology, environmental science, microbiology, neuroscience, molecular, cellular and developmental biology, 以及野生动物生态和保护.

Environmental Science (BS)

If you are interested in the growing field of environmental science, this degree is for you. As a graduate you will be able to work for private environmental companies, corporations or federal, state, 会影响空气质量的县政府或市政府, water quality, 减轻危害和其他环境挑战. Career fields include, but are not limited to, pollution remediation, environmental impact assessment, regulation enforcement and research.


This program is designed for students interested in wildlife management, 生态学或生物多样性的保护. 通过在我们学校的湿地进行实践研究, practical exercises, field trips, 在课堂上进行实习和个人指导, 你将在土壤方面获得有市场价值的专业知识, ecology, botany and zoology. Upon completion of this program you can pursue careers as wildlife ecologists, game managers, state and federal wildlife biologists, state and federal park rangers, 自然保护区和解说专家, and zoo-keepers. 这个项目是由 生物与环境科学系 and the 农业科学与自然资源学院.

Student Support


BioPride 一个为期一周的课程是在第一周上课前向新生介绍生物课程吗. This program helps you transition from the high school classroom to the university setting. You’ll gain insight into the discipline by attending lectures and learning laboratory techniques.


Joint Admission Medical Program (JAMP)是由德克萨斯州立法机构创建的一项特殊计划,旨在支持和鼓励高素质的学生, economically disadvantaged Texas resident students pursuing a medical education. 该项目由德州高等教育协调委员会资助.


作为一名生物和环境专业的学生, you have access to a wide range of scholarships specific to your degree.

Our Research

我们的生物和环境科学教师很高兴通过研究发展你的知识和技能. Opportunities are available for both undergraduate and graduate students. We encourage you to discuss any research interests with your professors.

Quail Chick Development

因为每年有50-80%的成年鹌鹑死亡, and a quail’s lifespan is ~6 months, 鹌鹑的数量取决于鹌鹑幼崽的持续产量. Yet, that is the main cause of quail population decline in drought years. Accordingly, 鹌鹑研究实验室能够在实验室中重建实地条件,以开发在不利条件下生产小鸡的解决方案. 我们还研究了不同鹌鹑物种的正常发育阶段,并研究了环境污染物和药物饲料对鹌鹑雏鸟生产和发育的影响. Learn More

Quail Research Station Program

在全球范围内,野禽和鹌鹑的数量正在下降. Developing solutions for population sustainability is key to reversing these trends. 鹌鹑研究实验室的独特之处在于,我们最小的研究站跨越了500多个,000 acres. 我们通过创新的监测,对大规模种群进行成像,并提供结果,解释“所有鹌鹑都去了哪里”的观察奥秘?” We have research stations in Montana, Kansas, California and Texas with comprehensive research into the impacts of climate, weather, management and other factors on a suite of upland gamebirds and waterfowl. Learn More

Unmanned Air Systems – Assisted Wildfire Fighting in Wildland Urban Interface Zones

多所大学之间的合作研究工作正在进行中,目标是提高消防员在荒地-城市界面(WUI)区域火灾中的安全性和有效性. 通过减少因暴露于野火而点燃的建筑物数量,可以减少可预防的火灾负担, detecting and suppressing spot fires, 并帮助冷却火头和侧翼. 该系统基于机载传感器的一群无人机系统(UASs),通过减少消防员在未知火灾条件下穿越危险地形的部署需求,帮助消防员. 专门的无人驾驶飞机是在A&有效载荷超过20公斤的移动商务.

Our Facilities

Image of a building.

Health Science Center

我们新的健康科学大楼将以生物医学研究所再生研究中心为特色. 当你研究治愈和逆转疾病损害的方法时,你将受益于最新的实验室设备. After graduating, you’ll be well on your way to a successful career in the healthcare industry.

McFarland Science Building at TAMUC

Keith D. McFarland Science Building

Opened in 2003, our Keith D. McFarland Science Building offers a state-of-the-art research facility and learning center. The building features an 87-seat planetarium and 29 fully-equipped laboratories.

Student preforming lab experiment.

University Wetlands

我们的环境科学课程将把你的知识带到户外. 46英亩的湿地/草原修复区位于北美两个最濒危的生态系统的交界处, 德克萨斯州黑土地大草原和德克萨斯州后橡树大草原. You’ll help restore, maintain and protect the wetlands of Northeast Texas.

Student preforming lab experiment.

Animal Care Facility

Our Animal Care Facility is designed to house different model vertebrate animals including mice, rats, fish and birds. 教师主管和学生工作人员监督其运作. ACF由机构动物护理和使用委员会(IACUC)和德克萨斯州A的首席合规官监督&M University System.

Student Organizations

Beta Beta Beta

我们的德尔塔伽玛分会参加了与生物和健康科学有关的各种社会活动和慈善工作. This organization is for students who major in biological sciences, have a GPA of 3.0或以上,并已完成至少三门生物学课程(准会员是指未修过三门生物学课程,但符合其他两项会员要求的人士).

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  • P.O. Box 3011
  • Commerce, TX 75429-3011
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