As a student of sociology and criminal justice, you can expect to develop a sociological insight as you become familiar with theoretical analysis of the social world. You will learn to better understand the structures and patterns upon which everyday life rests, to understand the interplay between individual choices and social constraint, to interpret events from multiple perspectives, and to examine social arrangements critically. You will learn how to make a difference in the lives of others!

A person taking notes sitting at a table with a judge hammer beside the notebook.



The entirely online Master of Science in 应用 Criminology degree meets the needs of traditional students preparing to embark on new careers, as well as those currently working in the criminal justice field and those wishing to pursue professional advancement..


The broad field major in criminal justice is designed for students who wish to receive the Bachelor of 艺术s or Bachelor of Science in 刑事司法. The curriculum has a multi-disciplinary foundation, 是社会科学导向的吗?, is academic in content and emphasizes the development of knowledge and skills essential for a broad understanding of the criminal justice system. The objective of the major is to prepare you for entry-level positions in law enforcement, 少年司法, 法院, 以社区为基础的修正, institutional corrections and other related fields.

首页land Security 研究生 Certificate

This certificate is designed to attract members outside traditional criminal justice fields. 通过这个项目, you will gain a broad understanding of homeland security issues while enhancing leadership capabilities among those who currently work in local, state and federal government and others who are interested in gaining greater knowledge about the field of homeland security. This certificate focuses on homeland security concepts, 适用的管理原则, policy analysis and the enhancement of critical thinking skills necessary to successfully address security challenges within the United States.

社会学(BA / BS)

Explore the complexities of human behavior, social structures, and the dynamics that shape our world. With a blend of theoretical frameworks, 实证研究, 批判性分析, delve into topics ranging from inequality and social justice to culture and globalization.


社会学硕士学位&移动商务 is designed to meet the needs of those pursuing public service careers, community college teaching opportunities, 研究领域的职业, administrative careers in both the public and private sectors, as well as preparing students for more advanced graduate work in sociology.


社会学 as a social science is often misunderstood, but once students take the first course—Introduction to 社会学—they realize that there is much to be investigated and explored by how society operates, 功能和存在. Those who become majors are fascinated by the number of existing courses that explore human behavior in its many dimensions. Our faculty is prepared to engage students in courses related to: social problems, 性别社会学, 互联网社会学, 性别和工作.

刑事司法 is a highly popular discipline and a challenging subject area filled with interesting courses such as Crime and Mass Media, 连环杀人犯, 受害者学和犯罪测绘. The faculty within the department are experts in many of these topics, 所以课程是令人兴奋的, 敬业严谨. Students are exposed to as much of real life in the criminal justice field as possible.

We welcome the opportunity to explore degree options with you.

Dr. 威利·爱德华兹
副教授 and Department Head


Help pay for your education while earning valuable experience in the field. A limited number of 研究生助教奖学金 are available on a competitive basis in the department.




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  • 商务,德克萨斯州75429-3011