梅奥评论 is a student-run literary journal published by the Department of 文学与语言 at A&移动商务. We publish the highest quality prose, 诗歌, drama and visual art available from both outside and university sources. 梅奥评论 copyrights all material in the name of the writer/artist. Contributors hold full rights to their individual works.

Book on a stand with title "梅奥评论"


梅奥评论 will resume accepting submissions in the fall semester 2022.

We are interested in the best, unpublished work in a variety of genres. Please submit no more than five total works for consideration. Each work 必须 not have been published in print or online, including blog posts.

截止日期: 梅奥评论 accepts submissions year-round. Any submissions received after the current publishing deadline will be considered for the next year’s journal.

任何人都可以提交. The journal encourages as wide a submission range as possible, and we look for the “best work” in a variety of genres. Copyright remains in the writers' or artists' names. No money is paid for submissions.

Our journal accepts submissions in fiction, 诗歌, drama, nonfiction and original artwork. Although you may submit in more than one genre, you may only submit five total works for consideration.

Please send a separate email for entries in each genre (see submission instructions above).

  • 小说 - 2000字以内. We are open to all styles; most important to us is quality of work. 限提交三份.
  • 诗歌 – Limit 诗歌 submissions to three poems. Individual poems should fit on one page. 发送查询更长的作品.
  • 创造性的非小说 - 2000字以内. We are interested in creative personal essays, 回忆录, life narratives and lyric essays for publication. We do not publish academic articles.
  • 视觉艺术 – Limit submissions to five images. Submissions may be any printable representation of an art form you have created–pencil, 油漆, 数字, 雕塑, 摄影, 陶器, 珠宝等. 所有提交 必须 以JPEG格式发送(.jpg) files, and at 300 DPI or at least 1000 pixels wide. Black and white or color art is acceptable for submission.
  • 戏剧 – Submit up to three short dramatic pieces of one-act length plays. These can include, but are not limited to, one act plays and short screenplays.

梅奥评论 provides one copy to each individual whose work we publish. You may purchase additional copies for $10. Cash can be accepted in person in the department office, or you may send a check or money order to:

皇冠体育365赌博&M University-Commerce
Department of 文学与语言
P. O. 3011箱

Please include return address information with payment.

查询请发送电子邮件至 (电子邮件保护).

Please include the following information in your email:

  • 电子邮件主题: Mayo Review Query
  • 你的名字
  • 你的问题(s)

提交你的作品至 (电子邮件保护). Your email submission 必须 include the following:

  1. 电子邮件主题: Mayo Review提交
  2. 你的名字 (as you wish to see it printed in the journal) We will print work under a pseudonym if requested, but we 必须 have your legal name on your submission for copyright purposes.
  3. Your mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address.
  4. 标题和类型 (poem, short story, nonfiction, drama, or visual art) of each submission. We need the title of each submission for the Table of Contents. Be sure the same title is on each page of the corresponding submission. Also, name the 数字 file for the corresponding submission using part of or the entire title name.
  5. 一个简短的传记 (50 - 100字). We print short biographies of the contributors. Please include a brief biography with your submission. Your biography should include the information you wish to have appeared in the journal and can be written in any style you choose. We reserve the right to edit for length, grammar or mechanics.

梅奥评论 has a firm policy of “blind reading” of submissions for acceptance. The blind reading process is administered by the advisor(s) and editor. Names of submitting writers or artists do not appear on submissions. A variety of reviewers read and rank each submission in a multi-week-long process.

编辑提交的文件: We reserve the right to edit obvious typographical or major grammatical errors.

The 编辑委员会 consists of A&移动商务 students advised by faculty of the Department of 文学与语言. 任何工商专业的学生, 研究生或本科生, 全职或兼职, may volunteer to serve as a Student Reader and/or as a member of the 编辑委员会 for a semester or an academic year. Students are not required to be English majors. The main duties of the 编辑委员会 consist of: reading submissions or reviewing artwork in the blind review process, making the final selections for publication, preparing the journal for printing and distributing the journal.



  • 塔尔博特语言大厅
  • P.O. 3011箱
  • 商务,德克萨斯州75429-3011